It's Big. Big Green Chair is a big idea. It's intent is to gather and grow a community … keep reading

Homeschool Geek Week Topics
We have invited the Professor to the blog to help us out with all the extra work this week since Bitty is hard at work over on the website. He has just sent us this week's syllabus and the daily schedule of topics are listed below. Of course you can jump … [Read more...]

How To Be A Homeschool Geek!
You might be a homeschool geek if you: …know that Python lives in the computer not a tank; ...that you should never put your Raspberry Pi in the oven; filament for your printer instead of ink. This week I am guest posting over at … [Read more...]

The Photographers Eye Workshop
The Photographer's Eye Friday, August 7th. 10:0am - 4:00pm Board Room @ Imaginon 1 hour lunch break beginning @ 12:30pm This is a FREE event - to register email: (Students must be at least 12 to participate in Imaginon … [Read more...]

Printrbot Simple Metal
We recently bought a Printrbot Simple Metal 3D printer to use around our home office. I learned about this printer from Scott Hanselman and his 3D printer shootout. Having limited experience using printers (I also have access to a Cubify printer.) I was a … [Read more...]

Meet Us At The CMLibrary Idea Box
Tuesday, March 31st at 12:00pm Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Main 310 N. Tryon St We will join the MakerSpace guys at Idea Box at noon tomorrow (12 and up only). We will be on hand to learn and share. Our twelve year old will be in … [Read more...]

Five More Favorite YouTube Channels
Here are five more YouTube channels that we love. If you missed it you can also read our first post Our Top Five Favorite YouTube Channels for Math and Science. Numberphile is filmed and produced by Brady Haran and focuses on mathematics. It... … [Read more...]

Pi Day 2015
This is how we spent our Pi Day. Hope you enjoy. With such a large family Pi is hardly enough to go around. If you find yourself in the same predicament might we suggest Tau? If you don't know about tau you can read more about its case to be the … [Read more...]

Stream YouTube To Roku With Your Phone
We use YouTube channels in our homeschool. Check out five of our favorite channels for science and math. Since that post we have watched many videos on physics, astronomy, and chemistry. Recently we discovered that we can use the YouTube app on our phone … [Read more...]

Family Scrum
I use agile and scrum everyday at work, but it was not until recently that we started using the scrum methodology for our weekly family meetings and for daily updates. As a family, we do modified scrum for our daily meetings before I go to work and … [Read more...]

Are You An Agile Family?
About a month ago David came home from work, turned on the TV and asked me to come into the room. I heard the familiar woosh of a TED Talks video and sat with him in The Big Green Chair. A co-worker told him he should watch this video about using Agile in … [Read more...]