Here are five more YouTube channels that we love. If you missed it you can also read our first post Our Top Five Favorite YouTube Channels for Math and Science.
Numberphile is filmed and produced by Brady Haran and focuses on mathematics. It… Well Brady says it best, “Videos about numbers – it’s that simple.” Because of this channel my sons can build a calculator out of dominoes and understand and explore prime numbers. They even participated in a Yahtzee challenge. I think my oldest son has watched almost all the videos now with no prompting. Brady does a good job on this channel. It is definitely worth a watch. (His other channels are, too.)
Minute Earth posts short videos about the world we live in and the science behind it. Some of my favorites are Why Is It Hot Underground?, Why Do Rivers Curve?, and How to Keep Elephants and Wolves Out of Your Yard.
Want to learn about the Hadron Collider or the sound that atoms bonding make? Sixty Symbols is the channel for you. It is a mix of a little physics, a little astronomy, and a whole lot of good information. The little guys in our family don’t get as much out of this one because it is a little advanced for them. Everyone liked the 42 atom Christmas tree drawing, though.
STEMbite is a short show about everyday science. One of my favorite episodes, Wiggle Water Wave, shows how air pressure can hold a plate to the bottom of a glass filled with water. I also really enjoyed the episode on standing waves.
Ever wonder how a camera shutter works? How about what a bullet fired under water looks like? Be aware that some of the videos on this channel may not be appropriate for all ages but there is certainly a lot to be learned by watching the world slowed down a bit. Besides, this is pretty decent edutainment. We like the Slo Mo Guys.