Happy Pi Day! All around the world today events will be held to celebrate the constant π- for fun and to promote interest in mathematics. We celebrate with the same goal in mind - promoting an interest in mathematics, but we do so through a story. So go … [Read more...]

Learn to Program Artillery! III
For this installment of Artillery, we will add collision detection and an image indicating where the projectile impacted. Collision detection is simply measuring where our projectile lands and determining if some other object, like the ground or a … [Read more...]

Learn to Program Artillery! II
In our last post Learn to Program Artillery we left off with entering a velocity, an angle and the “Fire” button. The code would draw an arc on the screen based on these parameters. This time we will add a mountain to shoot over (or through until we do … [Read more...]

Learn to Program Artillery!
I want to teach my 16 year old son how to program. When I asked him what he would like to try to do he said, “I would like to make a game.” We settled on the game Artillery! in which you shoot over an obstacle and try to hit your opponent before they … [Read more...]

Resources For Teaching Your Middle Schooler How To Program
This post is a part of the series How To Be a Coder. You can read other posts in this series: How To Be a Coder and Teach Your Toddler to Program. Beginning around the age of eleven our oldest boys started expressing a desire to learn to program. … [Read more...]

Teach Your Toddler How to Code
This is the second post in the How To Be a Coder series. You can read the first post where I introduced the current conversation that learning how to code should be a standard part of the curriculum here: How To Be a CoderCan you really teach a toddler … [Read more...]
How to Be a Coder
This is the first of a blog series titled How to Be a Coder. There is a conversation happening right now that we at Big Green Chair would like to be a part of. That conversation centers around the idea that teaching children to code should now be a … [Read more...]